Wednesday 4 April 2012

it has to be this way

urmm......the pain is still going on. stop hoping and maybe yet become another great, great history. another knives in my hands, impale perhaps. but between the two choices that we can't make in one time and that's the truth. do we ever looking straight in their eyes? no it cannot be. stand up by taking others' hands. I'm suffering. frankly I said. it is true. rejecting is simple, not the immortality you got. leaving is easy, not the goodness you got. but acting is quite fun rite? hahaha roller coaster. all we do just screaming, but maybe someday we might fall to the ground, luckily. vow is toy, not even the price of diamond you got to pay. one day, I ask myself, what I want in my life? I want heart not hurt, I want pray not play. look at my hands, how many scars that I made? how many time it bleeds? oh c'mon stop annoying me. pretend it like we know nothing. we get older and older. but now I'm alone, it's all gone. something so strong that made it so long. stuck. this riddle of revenge please understand that it has to be this way...

1 catatan:

iBrAiM aNsErS pAnCaRoBa said...

aku belajar melupakan seseorang yang melupakan aku
aku belajar memaafkan semua yang menyakiti aku
aku belajar untuk menjadi yang terbaik untuk orang yang aku sayangi
tetapi satu yang tidak boleh aku pelajari adalah
aku harus bisa tersenyum di saat orang yang aku sayangi
menyayangi orang lain.

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